Barbara Klugman (2009) Advocacy Analysis

Barbara Klugman. 2009. “Less is More-Thoughts on Evaluating Social Justice Advocacy.”  Ford Foundation.  


Barbara Klugman argues in order to understand the complexity of change, M&E models must stop using linear rationalist logframe-like models, which do not account for the changing context and actors involved in change processes, and we must start identifying one’s contributions to change, not attributions. This is particularly important: “Given that policy wins and their implementation are always unpredictable and depend on a wide range of contextual factors and diversity of stakeholders, evaluation of policy advocacy needs to look for strengthened capacity in those factors that are most likely to ensure organizational/social movement readiness and creativity to initiate and engage policy processes in the most effective ways possible” (Klugman 2009:4). Klugman encourages donors to create systems that allow for the grantee to explore failures and challenges, while facilitating learning processes that produce results over time and across stakeholder groups. Specifically, Klugman suggests integrating Theory of Change models with other tools to most effectively track specific social justice and advocacy outcomes. In particular, she highlights seven different advocacy outcomes to measure, derived from a meta-analysis of successful advocacy efforts.[1]


Particular advocacy outcomes that donors should assess include:[2]


Longer-term impacts, which cannot be attributed to a particular grant or set of grants include: 


At the donor level, focus was placed on ensuring that reflection happened both in terms of donor assessment mechanisms and the use and analysis of grantee reporting. Tools identified as potentially useful for the donor internal reflection process included: 


Unique tools that Klugman has identifies include:


Appreciative Inquiry

Appreciative Inquiry asks questions in ways that build trust and look at what has worked well, rather than what is not working – ‘think of a time when you were collaborating with another group and felt excited and it went well...’ Good process evaluation questions include: (Reisman et al 2007:34-35)


The premise is that “asking questions influences thinking and behavior” (Preskill 2005 cited in Behrens and Kelly 2008:45). The process provides information on outcomes that have been achieved while building bonds among stakeholders. Information is “often qualitative and in story form, but they can be quite compelling” (Behrens and Kelly 2008:45).


The Action Learning Cycle from Barefoot Collective

The Barefoot Collective’s Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Cycle uses the following questions to simulate organizational learning and assessment (Mason 2009: 110):


Embedded in this methodology is attention to actions within and outside the organization/alliance/coalition, which fosters or constrains strategies or change processes.


[1]  See Annex 2 for a table Klugman created to highlight specific advocacy outcomes.

[2] Klugman (2009:5) notes: “A Foundation would not expect each of its grants to deliver all of the above outcomes, but rather that its mix of grants on one advocacy issue would collectively ensure organizational capacity that supports innovativeness; build an ever-wider base of support and ever broader alliances; enable ongoing research and refining of viable policy options; and engage in policy processes that would maintain past policy gains, enable policy victories and hold government or other implementing agencies accountable.”  See Appendix B for a useful example of what these outcomes would like for a specific organization.