Realist Evaluation


Ray Pawson and Nick Tilley. 2004. “Realist Evaluation.”


Realist evaluations are theory-based evaluations that articulate how program or policy interventions foster change. Instead of asking ‘What works?’ or ‘Does this program work?’, they aim to answer the questions: ‘What works for whom in what circumstances and in what respects, and how?’ There are four principles to understanding the complexity of change in this approach, which include the following: programs are theories that have developed to address some social issue; programs are embedded in social systems and aim to change relationships; programs require active shifts on the part of beneficiaries; and they are by nature, open systems that interact with, and are affected, by a variety of different external factors. The aim of the evaluation is to gain a better idea of how the intervention works to produce diverse and multiple outcomes with the aim to strengthen programs and learning. 


The findings are pragmatic and do not seek to explain everything and to attribute change solely to the intervention, rather the aim is to make sense of the particular outcome patterns observed by testing as many alternatives as possible.

“Realism also means pragmatism, of course, and this is another feature of the

perspective. Having a subject matter composed of double and triple doses of

complexity does not mean that we are forever blind to the consequences of

interventions. It does mean, however, that our understanding will always be partial and provisional and, consequently, that we must be somewhat modest in our ambitions for evaluation.” (p. 16)


There are four concepts that form the basis for understanding and assessing programs in a realist evaluation:

  1. Mechanisms describe what actually produces the program effects; they are described as the pivots or levers to change actually happening and outline the logic of the program theory.
  2. Context relates to the description of the elements, conditions, or social relationships, which have a bearing or influence on the program mechanisms.
  3. Outcome patterns include the intended and unintended program results as stimulated through the different mechanisms and contexts. For example, different outcome patterns may result from analysis of different implementations, regional variations, socio-demographic variations, etc, allowing for a better understanding of complex interventions. 
  4. Context-mechanism-outcome pattern configuration allows for the testing of different interventions under different combinations of conditions. This ‘configurational’ approach to causality aims to show that particular outcomes will likely result from the alignment of a combination of attributes. Realist evaluation uses standard scientific methods for hypothesis testing of the program theories. The aim is to understand the outcome patterns and successes and failures according to different subgroups. 


In general, Pawsey and Tilley (2004:19) suggest that the outcome of the evaluation should indicate:



Since the evaluation should help institutions tailor, adapt, or implement programs, findings should:[1] 



The realist approach challenges typical policy inquiries. For an example of how, see the boxes below (reproduced from p.21).



The article also has a useful tool to guide thinking and analysis on if and how an intervention could be applied in a different context. 





Weaknesses (or not designed for):



[1] Reproduced from p.19.