Results Based Management (RBM) places primary focus on the outputs and outcomes in an evaluation. The goal is to define the main results monitor progress against those results. It helps an organization determine how they are faring in implementing their program and achieving its intended aims, specifically providing information on whether an intervention is working in relation to the expected results. Results have three different categories: outputs, outcomes, and impact. Outputs are the result of the implementation of activities, outcomes are the result of mid-term outputs, and the impact is the result of the mid-term outputs. RBM approaches assume a causal relationship between the program’s activities and its results, meaning that the implementation of the program should produce expected results.[1]
Agencies that use RBM systems include bi-lateral agencies, such as CIDA, and multi-lateral agencies, such as the World Bank, particularly in relation to poverty reduction strategies. The RBM approach is detailed through a case on poverty monitoring using an example from the World Bank Tanzania Poverty Reduction strategy. The Women’s Funding Network (WFN) draws on some aspects of RBM, though not entirely, in their Making the Case evaluation approach. However, WFN adapts the model to be more conscious of the context and its influences on changes at five levels—shifts in behavior, definition, engagement, and policy as well as maintaining past gains.
[1]Jody Zall Kusek and Ray C. Rist.2004. “Ten Steps to a Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation.” World Bank.
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